The Rotary Club of Thornbury Members
Thornbury's Annual Community Fund-Raising Event
Come and join in this year's Rotary community fund-raising event.
Form a team of six swimmers of any age and ability from your family, club, work colleagues - or anyone!. Each individual will swim alternately as a tag team - one after another - for a period of 50 minutes
You can enter the event, either on-line or by completing a down-loadable form. Clicki the "How to Join In" link (right), for full information and links to download the required forms.
Most importantly, use the "Sponsorship Form" link to download it. Use it to record sponsorship commitments ahead of the event.
Your team members can seek personal or team sponsors, either for a committed sum of money or by rewarding number of lengths completed. A certificate of the total number of completed lengths will be provided afterwards if required
The "Just Giving" link enables you to make donations to the whole event. Funds are held in a Thornbury Rotary Trust account until final charity donations are made.